Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Debate

What?!  Two posts in two days?!  What is happening here?

In light of the Supreme Court decision in favor of Hobby Lobby, I have a few thoughts.  So, here goes nothin'...

First, I don't think we know how to debate properly.  Or even to engage in the conversations regarding hot-button issues.  There is a reason that the Supreme Court ruling was 5 to 4, and not 8 to 1, or unanimous.  Because these issues are complicated.  They are more complicated than a snarky 140 character tweet, a lengthy Facebook status, or even a blog post.  They are more complex than a one-sided news report from your cable news channel of choice.  Even those who hold fast to the teachings of their faith or to the belief that women should have as much reproductive freedom as possible, if they are being honest, could say that the grey area is much bigger than what is black and white. 

And guess what?  Rants on social media don't change hearts and minds.  What they do accomplish is the building of walls where there previously weren't any.  They shut down our ability to even hear what the "other side" is saying.  We post in celebration or outrage regarding yesterday's SCOTUS decision, and all we are looking for is affirmation and approval of our deep-seated beliefs.  We want to hear what our supporters have to say.  Are we listening for the other side?  Are we searching for what is true and right, or just to be right? 

And if we really want to be a catalyst for change, then what are we prepared to do?  Because, guess what?  The Supreme Court ain't gonna reverse it's decision because Kelley Burns composed a witty tweet about it.  We can scream and shout from the rooftops of social media, but all that will change is your news feed.  So maybe we should spend more of that time learning about the issues that matter.  Both sides.  Maybe we could be a little more open to really uncovering the truth within the debates rather than simply dismissing the other as one stop away from crazy-town.  And maybe we could discuss it.  With real people who we really know.  Because what it all comes down to, these polarizing issues, are hearts and minds, not computers and message boards. 

That's all I got.  Peace out.

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