I saw on Facebook recently that someone else said something like, "The only thing stopping you from becoming a saint is you." I don't know who said it but the phrase has been clanging around in my head today. I'm sure that it's true. And I'm growing in my awareness that maybe I am too fixed and focused on the things of this world. Like maybe I just really want to be successful here on Earth and eek my way into heaven. I give a lot of lip service to Christ, but in the depths of my heart do I give him all that I can? Nope. Not even close.
Why not? Sometimes it's hard and usually I'm lazy and I'd rather just be comfortable doing what I do. But maybe God is asking more of me? Probably.
This all came about because we are actively thinking about homeschooling. AAAAAHHHH! That is how I feel about it. I alternate between thinking it is best for us and being afraid we will ruin our kids. Not that I think homeschooling will make us saints, by any means. But I was just considering how sometimes I think God might be asking something of me and I'm unwilling to take the leap because I think it will be hard. So we're praying for wisdom about it right now. And doing a lot of Googling. And I actually said the words, "I don't want to homeschool them because I'm afraid they'll turn out weird." News flash: they are already weird! So that's how discernment goes in my house--I think about all the bad things that could happen, and then I Google things and take my search results as a sign from God. Perhaps I should improve my method.
Weirdos. |
Anyhoo...if you have any experience with homeschooling, chime in here and let me know! How did you make the decision? What methods/curricula do you use? Do you love it? Hate it? Are your kids weird? (Ha!) Who is the patron saint of homeschoolers? Were his/her kids weird? I should find out.
**Don't forget to enter to win the Anchor Inn on the Lake giveaway! You have until the end of Tuesday to enter and you don't have to attend a Marriage Encounter to be eligible, in case you were confused. Although you should consider attending, in case you didn't catch my drift in the last post.