Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Laws of the Universe

Joke telling is not the strength of the Pre-K set.  Consider this little interaction:

Reece: Knock, knock
J (3yrs old): Who's there?
Reece: Interrupting cow
J: Old MacDonald had a cow E-I-E-I-O!
Reece: Knock, knock
J: Who's there?
Reece: Interrupting cow
J: I don't know that one.
Reece: Knock knock
J: Who's there?
Reece: Interrupting cow
J: Why did the banana cross the road?
Reece: Knock knock
            Who's there?
            Interrupting cow
            Interrupting cow who?
            Interrupting cow peed on the grass!

He told that whole joke to himself.  Immediately followed by peals of laughter from the backseat of the van.  We have a ways to go with humor, obviously.

Now for the real point of this post...I give you, Laws of the Parenting Universe!

Law #1: All children will awaken immediately and fully at first daylight.  They will demand to be given food or drink or television or beef jerky.  This will happen every day without fail.  Except on the day that you have someplace to be very early.  On that morning, the children will sleep in.

Law #2: Babies must awaken at the sound of their parents falling asleep.

Law #3: Children will only be sick on the days when the doctor is either off or the office is closed.      Law 3b: All symptoms will vanish upon arrival at the doctor's office (or urgent care, since the office is closed.)

Law #4: Someone will need you urgently every time you a). start to use the toilet or b). are undressed for whatever reason.

I'm sure I missed some.  Let me know if you can think of the others!  Here's a grainy iPhone photo to round things out...

Who us?  We are innocent!


  1. Here's one--

    If one child really likes a new dish you've prepared, at least one other child is guaranteed to detest it.

    1. Good one! In fact, the longer you spend cooking it the more likely someone will hate it!
