Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Do All the Good: Meet Rita

Meet Rita Continakis!  

Rita (on right) with a group of children
on one of her trips to the zoo!
Our CTF Team 20 leader, Jen (on left)
and Rita at our first camp visit in Greece

I met Rita on November 6th, our first day of work with Carry the Future in Athens.  She took us into our first camp and helped us to understand the lay of the land, the conditions at the camp, and the refugee situation in Greece.  But what was most memorable about that first interaction was how everyone at the camp considered Rita their family.  Hugs from the children and adults alike, and shouts of "Rita! Rita!" echoed around us as we walked through.  She held babies and chatted with parents, snuggled newborns, and introduced us to special families all over the shipyard.  

After knowing her for only a short time, I can see why everyone loves her.  Rita is doing good every second that she gets.  She is a volunteer with Carry the Future, and because she lives in Athens, she has the opportunity to help refugees each day.  And Rita doesn't wait.  If she sees a need, she fills it. She now runs an organization called Allied Aid and she spends much of her free time helping those in most need.  In the three weeks that I have known Rita, she has hand delivered aid to refugees in camps and squats in both Athens and Bulgaria.  She has taken refugee children to the zoo.  She has delivered supplies and love to mothers in the maternity ward and even to the hospital itself.  And that's just what I've seen on Facebook!  Here's a recent post from her:

Visiting the maternity hospital this week I was engulfed by so many emotions, happiness, sadness and frustration. You all know that holding a baby in my arms is so heartwarming, so me! They are our future, they will be our voice and they deserve to live life to the fullest.
Some are not so fortunate. They are born into circumstances they do not understand, we don’t understand.
Their parents are like us, they worry about their children but their worries are so unique. They worry:
- Not if they have enough to eat, but will they have anything to eat?
- Not if they will have a clean pair of socks, but will they have shoes?
- Not if the blanket will keep them warm, but will their child have a bed to sleep on?
- Not when arriving home if it will be warm enough, but will they have a home to go to?
When leaving the hospital I went to say goodbye to the mother of another sweet little newborn who was sitting on the balcony and I saw tears streaking down her cheeks. She quickly brushed them away and gave me a stifled smile, trying very hard to hold back the tears, I hugged her and left quickly because I felt tears building up… I then asked my friend why she was sad and she told me she does not know where she will go after the hospital. From what I understood she is currently in temporary accommodations and is looking for a camp to go to with her husband, 2 children (including the newborn) and a grandfather.
These are questions I cannot answer but I can only try to provide what I can and hope with all my heart they will find their way to happiness.
Walking downstairs on my way out I stopped to visit the newborn ward and the nurse showed me some of the cutest babies…some smiling and some crying. She also told me there are some babies who do not go home because their parents are unable to take care of them for so many reasons.
But all babies were loved by the people taking care of them. The nurses were so gentle and loving with them, holding them tightly like they would their own. But I sensed sadness in their eyes and asked why. She told they need diapers, baby soap, baby powder and so much more; they never have enough supplies for the babies.
Please help me purchase these items for them.
Your donations to my paypal account: will help me buy supplies and I will deliver directly to them.
If you are using PayPal from the USA please indicate it is an international transaction-Greece
I also have a US$ bank account if you would like to send a donation directly to that. PM for details.
After she posted this, she was able to raise enough money to bring a heap of diapers to the maternity ward at this hospital.  They were so surprised and blessed by her generosity, and the generosity of those who supported her with donations.  
Rita is a change maker!  She doesn't wait for an opportunity to do good.  She finds and makes the opportunities herself, changing lives in the process.  I am so thankful to have met Rita on this trip--she gives me hope that each of us can do something today to make someone's life better and brighter.  She brings dignity and love to our brothers and sisters who are suffering.  She walks alongside them, sharing in their joys and sorrows.  Rita inspires me to do all the good I can!  
If you want to help Rita in her efforts, please know that your donations will be put to the best use.  Use her paypal account listed in her post above to make a donation that will change a life for the better. Thank you Rita for your work and the hope you give me!
do good quote - do all the good you can in all the ways you can…:

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